如何在平面图中添加 lighting 和阴影效果?

如何在平面图中添加 lighting 和阴影效果?


  • Point Light: Create a point light at the desired location and adjust its intensity and direction to create highlights and shadows.
  • Directional Light: Use a directional light source to simulate natural light and create more realistic lighting conditions.
  • Area Light: Apply an area light to a large area to create a soft, even glow.


  • Shadow Map: Create a shadow map using a program like Photoshop or GIMP. This method allows you to control the softness and darkness of shadows.
  • Ray Tracing: Use a ray tracing software to simulate the physical behavior of light and create highly realistic shadows.
  • Light Mask: Use a light mask to selectively apply shadows to specific areas of the image.

Additional Tips:

  • Use a high-quality image with a large number of pixels for best results.
  • Experiment with different lighting and shadow settings to find the desired effect.
  • Consider using a lighting and shadow editor plugin for convenience.
  • Use a reference image to guide your lighting and shadow placement.